Eight verses in praise of Śrīla Narottam Prabhu
By Śrīla Viśvanāth Chakravartī Ṭhākur

The following translation is formatted in this order:
- The original text of each verse in Devanagari script,
- Its Roman transliteration,
- Its verse-ordered word by word gloss,
- Its prose-ordered word by word gloss,
- Its prose translation,
- Explanatory notes where applicable.
Śrī Śrī Narottama-Prabhor-Aṣṭakam
By Śrīla Viśvanāth Chakravartī Ṭhākur
चन्द्रप्रभा-ध्वस्त-तमोभराय ।
गौराङ्गदेवानुचराय तस्मै
नमो नमः श्रील-नरोत्तमाय ॥१॥
gaurāṅga-devānucharāya tasmai
namo namaḥ śrīla-narottamāya [1]
śrī-kṛṣṇa–Śrī Kṛṣṇa; nāma–Name; amṛta–nectar; varṣi–showering; vaktra–face; chandra–moon; prabhā–splendour; dhvasta–dispelled; tamaḥ–darkness; bharāya–unto the mass; gaurāṅga–Gaurāṅga; deva–Lord; anucharāya–unto the servant; tasmai–unto Him; namaḥ–I offer obeisance; namaḥ–I offer obeisance; śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam. [1]
namaḥ–I offer obeisance, [and] namaḥ–I offer obeisance [again] tasmai–unto him, śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam, anucharāya–unto the servant gaurāṅga-deva–of Lord Gaurāṅga, [unto He who has] dhvasta–dispelled bharāya–the mass tamaḥ–of the darkness (of ignorance) prabhā–with the splendour [of his] chandra–moon vaktra–face [which] varṣi–showers amṛta–the nectar [of] śrī-kṛṣṇa–Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s nāma–Name [1]
I offer obeisance and I offer obeisance again unto Śrīla Narottam Ṭhākur, the servant of Śrī Gaurāṅgadev who dispels the darkness (of everyone’s ignorance) with the splendour of his moon face which showers the nectar of Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s Name.
दन्तद्युति-द्योतित-दिङ्मुखाय ।
स्वेदाश्रुधारा-स्नपिताय तस्मै
नमो नमः श्रील-नरोत्तमाय ॥२॥
svedāśru-dhārā-snapitāya tasmai
namo namaḥ śrīla-narottamāya [2]
saṅkīrtana–chanting; ānandaja–born of bliss; manda–gentle; hāsya–smile; danta–tooth; dyuti–lustre; dyotita–illuminated; dik–quarter; mukhāya–unto face; sveda–perspiration; aśru–tear; dhārā–stream; snapitāya–unto bathed; tasmai–unto him; namaḥ–I offer obeisance; namaḥ–I offer obeisance; śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam. [2]
namaḥ–I offer obeisance, [and] namaḥ–I offer obeisance [again] tasmai–unto him, śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam, [unto he who is] snapitāya–bathed dhārā–in streams aśru–of tears [and] sveda–perspiration [and has] dyotita–illuminated dik-mukhāya–the directions dyuti–with the lustre [of his] danta–teeth [amidst his] manda–gentle hāsya–smile ānandaja–born of the bliss saṅkīrtana–of chanting. [2]
I offer obeisance and I offer obeisance again unto Śrīla Narottam Ṭhākur, who is bathed in streams of tears and perspiration and has illuminated the directions with the lustre of his teeth amidst his gentle smile arising from the bliss of saṅkīrtan.
पदाम्बुजामन्द-मनोहराय ।
सद्यः समुद्यत्-पुलकाय तस्मै
नमो नमः श्रील-नरोत्तमाय ॥३॥
sadyaḥ samudyat-pulakāya tasmai
namo namaḥ śrīla-narottamāya [3]
mṛdaṅga–mṛdaṅga; nāma–Name; śruti–hearing; mātra–immediately; chañchat–moving; pada–foot; ambuja–lotus; amanda–strong; manoharāya–unto captivation of the mind; sadyaḥ–quickly; samudyat–fully arising; pulakāya–unto horripilation; tasmai–unto him; namaḥ–I offer obeisance; namaḥ–I offer obeisance; śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam. [3]
namaḥ–I offer obeisance, [and] namaḥ–I offer obeisance [again] tasmai–unto him, śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam, [who] mātra–immediately [upon] śruti–hearing nāma–the Name [and] mṛdaṅga–of the mṛdaṅga amanda–strongly manoharāya–captivates the hearts [of all with his] chañchat–dancing ambuja–lotus pada–feet [and figure upon which] pulakāya–horripilation samudyat–arises in full sadyaḥ–quickly. [3]
I offer obeisance and I offer obeisance again unto Śrīla Narottam Ṭhākur, who immediately upon hearing the Holy Name and the mṛdaṅga strongly captivates the hearts of all with his dancing lotus feet and figure which quickly becomes covered with hairs standing on end.
विस्मापिताशेष-कृति-व्रजाय ।
स्वसृट-गान-प्रथिताय तस्मै
नमो नमः श्रील-नरोत्तमाय ॥४॥
svasṛṭa-gāna-prathitāya tasmai
namo namaḥ śrīla-narottamāya [4]
gandharva–Gandharva; garva–pride; kṣapaṇa–crushing; svalāsya–own dancing; vismāpita–astonished; aśeṣa–complete; kṛti– vrajāya–unto society; svasṛṭa–self-composed; gāna–song; prathitāya–unto renowned; tasmai–unto him; namaḥ–I offer obeisance; namaḥ–I offer obeisance; śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam. [4]
namaḥ–I offer obeisance, [and] namaḥ–I offer obeisance [again] tasmai–unto him, śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam, [who] kṣapaṇa–crushes garva–the pride gandharva–of the Gandharvas, [has] vismāpita–astonished [with his] svalāsya–own dancing aśeṣa–the entire vrajāya–society kṛti–of experts, [and is] prathitāya–renowned gāna–for the songs [he] svasṛṭa–himself [has] composed. [4]
I offer obeisance and I offer obeisance again unto Śrīla Narottam Ṭhākur, who crushes the pride of the Gandharvas, astonishes with his dancing the entire society of experts, and is renowned for the songs he composes.
धूली-भरालङ्कृत-विग्रहाय ।
यद्दर्शनं भाग्य-भरेण तस्मै
नमो नमः श्रील-नरोत्तमाय ॥५॥
yad darśanaṁ bhāgya-bhareṇa tasmai
namo namaḥ śrīla-narottamāya [5]
ānanda–ecstasy; mūrchchhā–fainting; avani–earth; pāta–falling; bhāta–shining; dhūlī–dust; bhara–abundance; alaṅkṛta–decorated; vigrahāya–unto figure; yat–whose; darśanam–sight; bhāgya–fortune; bhareṇa–by abundance; tasmai–unto him; namaḥ–I offer obeisance; namaḥ–I offer obeisance; śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam. [5]
namaḥ–I offer obeisance, [and] namaḥ–I offer obeisance [again] tasmai–unto him, śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam, yat–whose darśanam–sita [is attained only] bhareṇa–by an abundance bhāgya–of good fortune [and whose] vigrahāya–figure, mūrchchhā–having fainted ānanda–in ecstasy [and] pāta–fallen avani–to the earth, bhāta–shines alaṅkṛta–decorated bhara–by an abundance dhūlī–of dust. [5]
I offer obeisance and I offer obeisance again unto Śrīla Narottam Ṭhākur, whose sight is attained only by an abundance of good fortune and whose figure, having fainted in ecstasy and fallen to the earth, shines decorated by an abundance of dust.
स्थले स्थले यस्य कृपा-प्रपाभिः
कृष्णान्यतृष्णा जन-संहतीनाम् ।
निर्म्मूलिता एव भवन्ति तस्मै
नमो नमः श्रील-नरोत्तमाय ॥६॥
sthale sthale yasya kṛpā-prapābhiḥ
kṛṣṇānya-tṛṣṇā jana-saṁhatīnām
nirmūlitā eva bhavanti tasmai
namo namaḥ śrīla-narottamāya [6]
sthale–in place; sthale–in place; yasya–whose; kṛpā–mercy; prapābhiḥ–by water stations; kṛṣṇa–Kṛṣṇa; anya–other; tṛṣṇā–thirst; jana–person; saṁhatīnām–of assemblages; nirmūlitā–uprooted; eva–completely; bhavanti–become; tasmai–unto him; namaḥ–I offer obeisance; namaḥ–I offer obeisance; śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam. [6]
namaḥ–I offer obeisance, [and] namaḥ–I offer obeisance [again] tasmai–unto him, śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam, prapābhiḥ–because of the water stations sthale–from place sthale–to place [of] yasya–whose kṛpā–mercy jana-saṁhatīnām–people’s tṛṣṇā–thirst anya–apart kṛṣṇa–from Kṛṣṇa bhavanti–becomes eva–completely nirmūlitā–uprooted. [6]
I offer obeisance and I offer obeisance again unto Śrīla Narottam Ṭhākur, because of whose mercy, which is comparable to water stations established from place to place, people’s thirst (for all things) apart from Kṛṣṇa becomes completely uprooted.
prapābhiḥ: “Because of water stations.” Traditionally, a prapā is a shed or camp set up on the side of a road containing a reservoir of water where travellers can rest briefly and quench their thirst.
स्पर्शः पुनः स्पर्शमणीव यस्य ।
प्रामाण्यमेवं श्रूतिवद् यदीयं
तस्मै नमः श्रील-नरोत्तमाय ॥७॥
yad bhakti-niṣṭhopala-rekhikeva
sparśaḥ punaḥ sparśa-maṇīva yasya
prāmāṇyam evaṁ śrūtivad yad īyaṁ
tasmai namaḥ śrīla-narottamāya [7]
yad–whose; bhakti–devotion; niṣṭhā–constancy; upala–stone; rekhika–line; iva–like; sparśaḥ–touch; punaḥ–further; sparśa-maṇi–philosopher’s stone (lit. ‘touch-jewel‘); iva–like; yasya–whose; prāmāṇyam–authoritativeness evam–and; śrūtivat–like the Vedas; yat–whose; īyam–word; tasmai–unto him; namaḥ–I offer obeisance; śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam. [7]
namaḥ–I offer obeisance tasmai–unto him, śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam, yad–whose niṣṭhā–constancy bhakti–in devotion [is] iva–like rekhika–a line (carved) upala–in stone, punaḥ–further yasya–whose sparśaḥ–touch [is] iva–like sparśa-maṇi–a philosopher’s stone, evam–and yat–whose īyam–speech [has] prāmāṇyam–authoritativeness śrūtivat–like the Veda. [7]
I offer obeisance unto Śrīla Narottam Ṭhākur, whose constancy in bhakti is like a line (carved) in stone, whose touch is like that of a philosopher’s stone, and whose speech is as authoritative as the Veda.
मूर्त्तैव भक्तिः किमयं किमेष
वैराग्यसारस्तनुमान् नृलोके ।
संभाव्यते यः कृतिभिः सदैव
तस्मै नमः श्रील-नरोत्तमाय ॥८॥
mūrtaiva bhaktiḥ kim ayaṁ kim eṣa
vairāgya-sārastanumān nṛ-loke
saṁbhāvyate yaḥ kṛtibhiḥ sadaiva
tasmai namaḥ śrīla-narottamāya [8]
mūrta–embodied; eva–verily; bhaktiḥ–devotion; kim–is?; ayam–he; kim–is?; eṣa–he; vairāgya–detachment; sāraḥ–essence; tanumān–personified; nṛ–human; loke–in society; saṁbhāvyate–is marvelled at; yaḥ–who; kṛtibhiḥ–by experts; sadā–always; eva–indeed; tasmai–unto him; namaḥ–I offer obeisance; śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam. [8]
namaḥ–I offer obeisance tasmai–unto him, śrīla-narottamāya–unto Śrīla Narottam, yaḥ–who [is] sadā–always eva–indeed saṁbhāvyate–marvelled at kṛtibhiḥ–by the experts loke–in the society nṛ–of human beings [as follows:] kim–“Is ayam–he eva–verily bhaktiḥ–bhakti mūrta–embodied [or] kim–is eṣa–he [the] sāraḥ–the essence vairāgya–of detachment tanumān–personified?”
I offer obeisance unto Śrīla Narottam Ṭhākur, who is always marvelled at by the experts in human society: “Is he verily the embodiment of bhakti or is he the essence of detachment personified?”
निमज्जतः श्रील-नरोत्तमस्य ।
पठेद् य एवाष्टकमेतदुच्चै-
रसौ तदीयां पदवीं प्रयाति ॥९॥
nimajjataḥ śrīla-narottamasya
paṭhed ya evāṣṭakam etad uchchair
asau tadīyāṁ padavīṁ prayāti [9]
śrī-rādhikā–Śrī Rādhikā; kṛṣṇa–Kṛṣṇa; vilāsa–play; sindhau–in ocean; nimajjataḥ–about one immersed; śrīla-narottamasya–about Śrīla Narottam; paṭhet–recite; yaḥ–who; eva–certainly; aṣṭakam–poem of eight verses; etat–this; uchchaiḥ–with loudness; asau–that one; tadīyām–his; padavīm–path; prayāti–attains. [9]
asau–Anyone yaḥ–who uchchaiḥ–loudly paṭhet–recites etat–this aṣṭakam–poem of eight verses śrīla-narottamasya–about Śrīla Narottam, [who is ever] nimajjataḥ–immersed sindhau–in the ocean śrī-rādhikā-kṛṣṇa–of Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa’s vilāsa–play, [will] eva–certainly prayāti–attain tadīyām–his padavīm–path. [9]
Anyone who loudly recites this poem of eight verses about Śrīla Narottam Ṭhākur, who is ever immersed in the ocean of Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa’s play, will certainly follow his path.
रम्याधरोद्यदति-सुन्दर-दन्तकान्तिः ।
लास्यं तनोतु हृदि मे वितरत् स्वदास्यम् ॥१०॥
lāsyaṁ tanotu hṛdi me vitarat svadāsyam [10]
kāruṇya–compassion; dṛṣṭi–glance; śamita–absolved; āśrīta–surrendered; mantu–offence; koṭi–ten million; ramyā–enchanting; adhara–lip; udyat–emerging; ati–extremely; sundara–beautiful; danta–tooth; kāntiḥ–lustre; śrīmat narottama–Śrīman Narottam; mukha–face; ambuja–lotus; manda–gentle; hāsyam–smile; lāsyam–dance; tanotu–may perform; hṛdi–in heart; me–my; vitarat–bestow; svadāsyam–own service. [10]
[Replete with his] dṛṣṭi–glance kāruṇya–of compassion [which has] śamita–absolved āśrīta–the surrendered [of] koṭi–ten million mantu–offences [and] kāntiḥ–the lustre [of his] ati–extremely sundara–beautiful danta–teeth udyat–emerging [from his] ramyā–enchanting adhara–lips, [may the] manda–gentle hāsyam–smile [on] śrīmat narottama–Śrīman Narottam’s ambuja–lotus mukha–face lāsyam tanotu–dance [in] me–my hṛdi–heart [and] vitarat–bestow [upon me his] svadāsyam–own service. [10]
Replete with his glance of compassion which absolves the surrendered of millions of offences and the lustre of his extremely beautiful teeth emerging from his enchanting lips, may the gentle smile on Śrīman Narottam Ṭhākur’s lotus face dance within my heart and bestow upon me his service.
गौराङ्ग-गान-मधुपान-भराभिरामम् ।
भृत्यं कृतार्थयतु मां फलितेष्टकृत्यम् ॥११॥
rājan mṛdaṅga-karatāla-kalābhirāmaṁ
bhṛtyaṁ kṛtārthayatu māṁ phaliteṣṭa-kṛtyam [11]
rājat–resplendent; mṛdaṅga–clay-body drum; karatāla–hand cymbal; kala–sound; abhirāmam–delightful; gaurāṅga–Gaurāṅga; gāna–song; madhu–nectar; pāna–drinking; bhara–abundance; abhirāmam–delightful; śrīmat narottama–Śrīman Narottam; pada–foot; ambuja–lotus; mañju–enchanting; nṛtyam–dancing; bhṛtyam–servant; kṛtārthayatu–may make fulfilled; mām–me; phalita–reaped the fruit; iṣṭa–cherished; kṛtyam–service. [11]
abhirāmam–Delightful [with the] rājat–resplendent kalā–sounds [of the] mṛdaṅga–clay-body drums [and] karatāla–hand cymbals, [and] abhirāmam–delightful bhara–with an abundance pāna–of drinking madhu–of the nectar gāna–of songs gaurāṅga–about Gaurāṅga, [may the] mañju–enchanting nṛtyam–dancing śrīmat narottama–of Śrīman Narottam’s ambuja–lotus pada–feet [make] mām–me, [his] bhṛtyam–servant, kṛtārthayatu–fulfilled [in having] phalita– reaped the fruit [of his] iṣṭa–cherished kṛtyam–service. [11]
Delightful with the resplendent sounds of the mṛdaṅgas and kartāls and delightful with an abundance of drinking of the nectar of songs about Gaurāṅga, may the enchanting dancing of Śrīman Narottam Ṭhākur’s lotus feet make me, his servant, fulfilled in having reaped the fruit of his cherished service.