Śrīla Bhakti Vinod Ṭhākur’s song is very nice:
śuna he rasika-jana kṛṣṇa-guṇa agaṇana
ananta kahite nāhi pāre
Kṛṣṇa has countless merciful qualities. We cannot describe them all, and even Anantadev, who has thousand of mouths, cannot fully glorify Kṛṣṇa.
kṛṣṇa jagatera guru kṛṣṇa vāñchhā-kalpa-taru
Kṛṣṇa is the teacher in this mundane world, and He is a vāñchhā-kalpa-taru [wish-fulfilling tree]. We do not know what is our real desire or aspiration, but Kṛṣṇa knows what we need.
When I read a book on homeopathic materia medica, a symptom was described there that attracted me very much. A son, without cause, is crying, always crying. When you take him on your lap, he cries, when you put him to bed, he cries, and whenever you try to calm him in various other ways, he cries. You try to speak to him, but he cries. He wants something. What does he want? The doctor in the book said very nicely that he wants a dose of chamomilla. Give him a dose of this, and he will stop crying.
Kṛṣṇa is like this doctor. He knows what we want. We are crying for this, and we are crying for that. We are thinking this is mine and that is yours, or this is my own and that is your own. Even with many mundane things we are not satisfied, but Kṛṣṇa knows what we need: we need devotion to Him.
kṛṣṇa jagatera guru kṛṣṇa vāñchhā-kalpa-taru
Then, Kṛṣṇa will give us that.
nāvika se bhava-pārāvare
Kṛṣṇa knows the way that is necessary to teach us, and He will take us from this illusory environment to the transcendental abode.
hṛdaya pīḍita yāra kṛṣṇa chikitsaka tāra
bhava-roga nāśite chatura
He knows what we need.
kṛṣṇa bahirmukha-jane premāmṛta-vitaraṇe
krame laya nija antaḥpura
How should we proceed? Kṛṣṇa will show us the way: Kṛṣṇa will arrange everything if we are surrendered to Him. It is only necessary for us to go to the doctor. We should have this mentality. We are not satisfied with anything, but our satisfaction is that He knows and will arrange everything for us. We only need to surrender to Him.
The meanings of this Bengali composition are very nice.
vidhi-mārga-rata-jane svādhīnatā-ratna-dāne
rāga-mārge karāna praveśa
In our practising life we are following many vidhis, many rules and regulations. That is given first to set right our organic system. Then when Kṛṣṇa is not satisfied with that and He needs more than this from us, He gives us rāga-mārga sevā and sends us that type of Guru, who is nondifferent from Him.
premāmṛta-vāri-dhārā sadā pāna-rata tā̐rā
kṛṣṇa tā̐hādera bandhu pati
Then we as fortunate jīva-souls get in the abode of Kṛṣṇa an exclusive relationship with Kṛṣṇa. There are four kinds of rasa, ecstatic relationship, with Kṛṣṇa: dāsya, sakhya, vātsalya, and madhura. Kṛṣṇa will give us the relationship that is appropriate for us and that we choose. Those relationships are eternal. That is actually our final destination.
The final destination of those who are in the line of Śrīla Rūpa Goswāmī is madhura-rasa, and all kinds of rasa are included in madhura-rasa. Everything is included, but there is also some variety in Kṛṣṇa’s play. Where sakhya-rasa is present, there also is madhura-rasa, but in a light way. Where is vātsalya-rasa is present, there madhura-rasa is absent but yet also present in a hidden way. For example, when we embrace a child, that embrace goes to the child’s father also. Seeing the child’s face, we are remembering the child’s father. In this way everywhere there is some connection with madhura-rasa. That is, madhura-rasa is the final rasa, and that is in the supreme and highest position. The Rūpānuga sampradāya goes that way, and Śrīla Rūpa Goswami gave this exclusive devotional line of madhura-rasa. But this is very high thinking, and not only high thinking, it is a very high conception. For now, we are here in this mundane world and our goal is there. So, we must try to proceed carefully towards that position.
Spoken on 22 October 1993.