Eight prayers to Śrī Śrī Jagannāthdev
Chanted by Śrī Chaitnaya Mahāprabhu
The following is a translation of Śrī Śrī Jagannāthāṣṭakam as published in the second edition of Śrī Gauḍīya-gītāñjali by Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj. The text was composed by Śrīpād Śaṅkar Āchārya in the seventeen syllable meter known as Śikhariṇī and was recited by Śrī Chaitanya Mahāprabhu before Lord Jagannāth.
Śrī Śrī Jagannāthāṣṭakam
শ্রীশ্রীজগন্নাথদেবায় নমঃ ।
śrī-śrī-jagannātha-devāya namaḥ
Obeiesance unto Śrī Śrī Jagannāthdev
কদাচিৎ কালিন্দীতট-বিপিনসঙ্গীত-তরলো
মুদাভীরীনারী-বদনকমলাস্বাদ-মধুপঃ ।
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে ॥১॥
kadāchit kālindī-taṭa-vipina-saṅgīta-taralo
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me [1]
kadāchit–Sometimes taralaḥ–swaying saṅgīta–to the music vipina–in the forests taṭa–on the banks kālindī–of the Yamunā, [He is the] mudā–joyful madhupaḥ–bee (lit. ‘nectar-drinker’) āsvāda–tasting kamala–the lotus vadana–faces ābhīrī–of the cowherd nārī–women [as His] padaḥ–feet [are] archita–worshipped ramā–by Lakṣmī, śambhu–Śiva, brahmā–Brahmā, pati–the king amara–of the immortals (Indra), [and] gaṇeśa–Gaṇeśa. [May] svāmī–Lord jagannāthaḥ–Jagannāth bhavatu–become gāmī–a traveller [on] patha–the path [of] me–my nayana–eyes. [1]
Sometimes swaying to the music in the forests on the banks of the Yamunā, He is the joyful bee tasting the lotus faces of the cowherd women as His feet are worshipped by Lakṣmī, Śiva, Brahmā, Indra, and Gaṇeśa. May Jagannāth Swāmī appear before my eyes.
saṅgīta-taralo: “Swaying to the music.” Some versions of the text have saṅgītaka-ravo, “Singing (ravaḥ) amidst the concert (saṅgītaka)”.
ভুজে সব্যে বেণুং শিরসি শিখিপিচ্ছং কটিতটে
দুকূলং নেত্রান্তে সহচর-কটাক্ষং বিদধতে ।
সদা শ্রীমদ্বৃন্দাবন-বসতি-লীলাপরিচয়ো
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে ॥২॥
bhuje savye veṇuṁ śirasi śikhi-pichchhaṁ kaṭi-taṭe
dukūlaṁ netrānte sahachara-kaṭākṣaṁ vidadhate
sadā śrīmad-vṛndāvana-vasati-līlā-parichayo
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me [2]
[With] veṇum–the flute savye–in [His] left bhuje–hand, śikhi–a peacock- pichchham–feather śirasi–on [His] head, dukūlam–fine cloth kaṭi-taṭe–around [His] hips, vidadhate–He casts kaṭākṣam–side-long glances ante–from the corners netra–of [His] eyes sahachara–towards [His] companions [as He remains] sadā–continuously parichayaḥ–in the practice of līlā–Pastimes [in the] śrīmat–beautiful vasati–abode vṛndāvana–of Vṛndāvan. [May] svāmī–Lord jagannāthaḥ–Jagannāth bhavatu–become gāmī–a traveller [on] patha–the path [of] me–my nayana–eyes. [2]
With the flute in His left hand, a peacock-feather on His head, and fine cloth around His hips, He casts side-long glances from the corners of His eyes towards His companions as He engages continuously in Pastimes in the beautiful abode of Vṛndāvan. May Jagannāth Swāmī appear before my eyes.
মহাম্ভোধেস্তীরে কনক-রুচিরে নীলশিখরে
বসন্ প্রাসাদান্তঃ সহজ-বলভদ্রেণ বলিনা ।
সুভদ্রা-মধ্যস্থঃ সকল-সুর-সেবাবসরদো
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে ॥৩॥
mahāmbhodhes tīre kanaka-ruchire nīla-śikhare
vasan prāsādāntaḥ sahaja-balabhadreṇa balinā
subhadrā-madhyasthaḥ sakala-sura-sevāvasarado
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me [3]
vasat–Residing tīre–on the shore mahā–of the great ambhodheḥ–ocean [atop] nīla–the blue śikhare–mountain kanaka–of golden ruchire–lustre antaḥ–inside [His] prāsāda–palace balinā–with [His] powerful sahaja–brother balabhadreṇa–Balabhadra [and] subhadrā–Subudrā madhyasthaḥ–in between [Them, may] svāmī–Lord jagannāthaḥ–Jagannāth, avasaradaḥ–the giver of the opportunity sevā–of service sakala–to all sura–the gods, bhavatu–become gāmī–a traveller [on] patha–the path [of] me–my nayana–eyes. [3]
Residing on the shore of the great ocean atop the blue mountain of golden lustre inside His palace beside His powerful brother Balabhadra, with Subhadrā in between Them, may Jagannāth Swāmī, the giver of the opportunity to serve to all the gods, appear before my eyes.
কৃপা-পারাবারঃ সজল-জলদ-শ্রেণি-রুচিরো
রমা-বাণী-রামঃ স্ফুরদমল-পঙ্কেরুহ-মুখঃ ।
সুরেন্দ্রৈরারাধ্যঃ শ্রুতিগণশিখা-গীতচরিতো
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে ॥৪॥
kṛpā-pārāvāraḥ sajala-jalada-śreṇi-ruchiro
ramā-vāṇī-rāmaḥ sphurad-amala-paṅkeruha-mukhaḥ
surendrair ārādhyaḥ śruti-gaṇa-śikhā-gīta-charito
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me [4]
[He is] pārāvāraḥ–ocean kṛpā–of mercy, [has] ruchiraḥ–the lustre śreṇi–of a row sajala-jalada–of rainclouds, [is] rāmaḥ–the delight ramā–of Lakṣmī [and] vāṇī–Saraswatī, [has] amala–spotless, sphurat–shining paṅkeruha–lotus mukhaḥ–face, [and is] ārādhyaḥ–the object of worship indraiḥ–of the greatest sura–of the gods, [and His] charitaḥ–glory [is] gīta–sung śikhā–by the best śruti-gaṇa–of the Vedas. [May] svāmī–Lord jagannāthaḥ–Jagannāth bhavatu–become gāmī–a traveller [on] patha–the path [of] me–my nayana–eyes. [4]
He is an ocean of mercy, has the lustre of a row of rainclouds, is the delight of Lakṣmī and Saraswatī, and has a spotless, shining lotus face; He is the object of worship of the greatest of the gods, and His glory is sung by the best of the scriptures. May Jagannāth Swāmī appear before my eyes.
রথারূঢ়ো গচ্ছন্ পথি মিলিত-ভূদেব-পটলৈঃ
স্তুতি-প্রাদুর্ভাবং প্রতিপদমুপাকর্ণ্য সদয়ঃ ।
দয়াসিন্ধুর্বন্ধুঃ সকল-জগতাং সিন্ধু-সদয়ো
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে ॥৫॥
rathārūḍho gachchhan pathi milita-bhūdeva-paṭalaiḥ
stuti-prādurbhāvaṁ prati-padam upākarṇya sadayaḥ
dayā-sindhur bandhuḥ sakala-jagatāṁ sindhu-sadayo
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me [5]
gachchhan–As He proceeds pathi–along the path ārūḍhaḥ–mounted ratha–atop [His] chariot [and] upākarṇya–listens [to] stuti–the praises prādurbhāvam–manifest paṭalaiḥ–by the multitudes milita–of assembled deva–gods bhū–of the earth, [He is] sadayaḥ–gracious prati–at every padam–step. [He is] sindhuḥ–an ocean dayā–of grace, sadayaḥ–gracious sindhu–to the ocean, [and] bandhuḥ–the friend sakala–of the entire jagatām–world. [May] svāmī–Lord jagannāthaḥ–Jagannāth bhavatu–become gāmī–a traveller [on] patha–the path [of] me–my nayana–eyes. [5]
As He proceeds along the path mounted atop His chariot and listens to offerings of praise from the multitudes of assembled gods of the earth (brāhmaṇs), He is gracious at every step. He is an ocean of grace, He is gracious to the ocean, and He is the friend of the entire world. May Jagannāth Swāmī appear before my eyes.
sindhu-sadayo: “Gracious to the ocean.” This refers to Lord Jagannāth’s accepting His residence and performing Pastimes on the bank of the ocean. Some versions of the text have sindhu-sutayā, “Along with the daughter (sutayā) of the ocean (sindhu)”, meaning along with Lakṣmī Devī.
পরংব্রহ্মাপীড়ঃ কুবলয়-দলোৎফুল্ল-নয়নো
নিবাসী নীলাদ্রৌ নিহিত-চরণোঽনন্ত-শিরসি ।
রসানন্দী রাধা-সরস-বপুরালিঙ্গন-সুখো
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে ॥৬॥
paraṁbrahmāpīḍaḥ kuvalaya-dalotphulla-nayano
nivāsī nīlādrau nihita-charaṇo ’nanta-śirasi
rasānandī rādhā-sarasa-vapur-āliṅgana-sukho
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me [6]
[He is] āpīḍaḥ–the crown-jewel paraṁbrahma–of the absolute reality, [and His] nayanaḥ–eyes [resemble] dala–the petals utphulla–of a fully blossomed kuvalaya–lotus. [He is] nivāsī–a resident [of] nīla– the blue adrau–mountains [and has] nihita–placed [His] charaṇaḥ–feet śirasi–atop the head ananta–of Ananta. [He] ānandī–takes pleasure rasa–in rasa [and is] sukhaḥ–delighted āliṅgana–by the embrace rādhā–of Śrī Rādhā’s sarasa–charming vapuḥ–figure. [May] svāmī–Lord jagannāthaḥ–Jagannāth bhavatu–become gāmī–a traveller [on] patha–the path [of] me–my nayana–eyes. [6]
He is the crown-jewel of the absolute reality, and His eyes resemble the petals of a fully blossomed lotus. He is a resident of the blue mountains and places His feet atop the head of Ananta. He takes pleasure in rasa and is delighted by the embrace of Śrī Rādhā’s charming figure. May Jagannāth Swāmī appear before my eyes.
ন বৈ যাচে রাজ্যং ন চ কনক-মাণিক্য-বিভবং
ন যাচেঽহং রম্যাং সকল-জন-কাম্যাং বরবধূম্ ।
সদা কালে কালে প্রমথ-পতিনা গীতচরিতো
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে ॥৭॥
na vai yāche rājyaṁ na cha kanaka-māṇikya-vibhavaṁ
na yāche ’haṁ ramyāṁ sakala-jana-kāmyāṁ vara-vadhūm
sadā kāle kāle pramatha-patinā gīta-charito
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me [7]
yāche–I pray na vai–neither rājyam–for a kingdom, na cha–nor kanaka–for gold, māṇikya–jewels, [and other] vibhavam–riches. aham–I yāche na–do not pray ramyām–for a beautiful [and] vara–desirable vadhūm–wife [as] kāmyām–wished for sakala–by all jana–men. [May] svāmī–Lord jagannāthaḥ–Jagannāth, [whose] charitaḥ–glory [is] sadā–always gīta–sung kāle–from moment kāle–to moment patinā–by the lord pramatha–of the Pramathas (a class of attendants expert in dharma and the arts), bhavatu–become gāmī–a traveller [on] patha–the path [of] me–my nayana–eyes. [7]
I pray neither for a kingdom nor for gold, jewels, and other riches. I do not pray for a beautiful and desirable wife as wished for by all men. May Jagannāth Swāmī, who glory is always sung from moment to moment by Lord Śiva, appear before my eyes.
হর ত্বং সংসারং দ্রুততরমসারং সুরপতে !
হর ত্বং পাপানাং বিততিমপরাং যাদবপতে ! ।
অহো দীনেঽনাথে নিহিতচরণো নিশ্চিতমিদং
জগন্নাথঃ স্বামী নয়নপথগামী ভবতু মে ॥৮॥
hara tvaṁ saṁsāraṁ drutataram asāraṁ sura-pate!
hara tvaṁ pāpānāṁ vitatim aparāṁ yādava-pate!
aho dīne ’nāthe nihita-charaṇo niśchitam idaṁ
jagannāthaḥ svāmī nayana-patha-gāmī bhavatu me [8]
pate–O Lord sura!–of the wise! [May] tvam–You [please] drutataram–quickly hara–take away [this] asāram–empty saṁsāram–worldly existence. pate–O Lord yādava–of the Yadus! [May] tvam–You [please] hara–take away [my] aparām–unending vitatim–profusion pāpānām–of sins. aho–Oh! [You are know to have] nihita–bestowed [Your] charaṇaḥ–feet dīne–upon the poor [and] anāthe–helpless; idam–this [is] niśchitam–certain. [May] svāmī–Lord jagannāthaḥ–Jagannāth bhavatu–become gāmī–a traveller [on] patha–the path [of] me–my nayana–eyes. [8]
O Lord of the wise! Please quickly take away this empty worldly existence. O Lord of the Yadus! Please take away my unending profusion of sins. Oh! You bestow Your feet upon the poor and helpless. This is certain. May Jagannāth Swāmī appear before my eyes.
জগন্নাথাষ্টকং পুণ্যং যঃ পঠেৎ প্রযতঃ শুচিঃ ।
সর্ব্বপাপ-বিশুদ্ধাত্মা বিষ্ণুলোকং স গচ্ছতি ॥৯॥
jagannāthāṣṭakaṁ puṇyaṁ yaḥ paṭhet prayataḥ śuchiḥ
sarva-pāpa-viśuddhātmā viṣṇu-lokaṁ sa gachchhati [9]
saḥ–One yaḥ–who śuchiḥ–purely [and] prayataḥ–devoutly paṭhet–recites [this] puṇyam–auspicious aṣṭakam–eight verse poem jagannātha–about Lord Jagannāth [becomes] ātmā–a soul viśuddha–completely purified sarva–of all pāpa–sin [and] gachchhati–goes viṣṇu–to Viṣṇu’s lokam–abode. 9]
One who purely and devoutly recites this auspicious Jagannāthāṣṭakam becomes completely purified of all sin and goes to Viṣṇu’s abode.
শ্রীগৌরচন্দ্র-মুখপদ্ম-বিনির্গতং শ্রীশ্রীজগন্নাথাষ্টকং সম্পূর্ণম্ ।
śrī-gaurachandra-mukha-padma-vinirgataṁ śrī-śrī-jagannāthāṣṭakaṁ sampūrṇam
Thus ends the Śrī Śrī Jagannāthāṣṭakam which issued from the lotus mouth of Śrī Gaurachandra.