A short collection of verses by Srila Prabodhananda Saraswati Thakur.

antar-dhvanta-chayam samasta-jagatam unmulayanti hathat
premananda-rasambudhim niravadhi prodvelayanti balat
visvam sitalayanty ativa vikalam tapa-trayenanisam
yusmakam hrdaye chakastu satatam chaitanya-chandra-chchhata
(Sri Chaitanya-chandramrta: 17)

“Sri Chaitanyachandra’s radiance instantly dispels all darkness from the heart of every soul, forcibly swells the nectarean ocean of divine love’s joy, and gently soothes the souls of this world that are constantly scorched by the three miseries. May Sri Chaitanyachandra’s radiance shine within your heart forever.”

rakso-daitya-kulam hatam kiyad idam yogadi-vartma-kriya-
margo va prakati-krtah kiyad idam srsty-adikam va kiyat
mediny-uddharanadikam kiyad idam premojjvalaya maha-
bhakter vartma-karim param bhagavatas chaitanya-murtim stumah
(Sri Chaitanya-chandramrta: 7)

“How great is killing demons and evil spirits? How great is establishing the paths of yoga, philosophy, and so on? How great is creating, maintaining, and destroying the world? How great is saving the earth? We adore only the Lord’s form of Sri Chaitanya, who established the path of pure devotion resplendent with divine love. (In comparison to the superexcellent gift of Sri Chaitanya, who is the best of all Avatars, we do not greatly praise the acts of Rama, Nrsimha, and others (who killed demons), Kapila and others (who taught yoga and other disciplines), Brahma, Visnu, and Siva (who oversee material existence), and Varaha and others (who saved the earth and performed other miracles).”

stri-putradi-katham jahur visayinah sastra-pravadam budha
yogindra vijahur marun-niyama-ja-klesam tapas tapasah
jnanabhyasa-vidhim jahus cha yatayas chaitanya-chandre param
aviskurvati bhakti-yoga-padavim naivanya asid rasah
(Sri Chaitanya-chandramrta: 113)

“When Sri Chaitanyachandra revealed the highest path of devotion, the materialists abandoned talk of their wives and children, the intellectuals abandoned their debates regarding the scriptures, the yogis abandoned the hardships produced by their practices of breath regulation, the ascetics abandoned their austerities, and the sannyasis abandoned their studies. No other joy remained.”

abhud gehe gehe tumula-hari-sankirtana-ravo
babhau dehe dehe vipula-pulakasru-vyatikarah
api snehe snehe parama-madhurotkarsa-padavi
daviyasyamnayad api jagati gaure ’vatarati
(Sri Chaitanya-chandramrta: 114)

“When Sri Gaura appeared in this world, in every home the tumult of Hari-sankirtan arose, on every body erect hairs, tears, and other ecstasies shined, and the most sweet and exalted path, which is filled with divine affection and extends far beyond even the Vedas, was revealed.”

sarvajnair muni-pungavaih pravitate tat-tan-mate yuktibhih
purvam naikataratra ko’pi sudrdham visvasta asij janah
sampraty apratima-prabhava udite gauranga-chandre punah
sruty-artho hari-bhaktir eva paramah kair va na nirdharyate
(Sri Chaitanya-chandramrta: 124)

“Previously, even when the best of the all-knowing sages established their conclusions as supreme with logic and arguments, no one firmly believed in them. Yet now that the incomparably powerful Gaurangachandra has arisen, who has not concluded that devotion to the Lord is alone the final purport of the scriptures?”

kechid dasyam avapur uddhava-mukhah slaghyam pare lebhire
sridamadi-padam vrajambu-drsam bhavam bhejuh pare
anye dhanyatama dhayanti madhuram radha-padambhoruham
sri-chaitanya-mahaprabhoh karunaya lokasya kah sampadah
(Sri Chaitanya-chandramrta: 123)

“Some, led by Uddhava, have attained the Lord’s service. Others have attained the glorious position of Sridam and the Lord’s other friends. Others have attained the devotion of the lotus-eyed Vraja-gopis. And others, the most fortunate and enlightened, taste the sweetness of Radha’s lotus feet. What fortune has this world not attained by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s mercy?”

prema namadbhutarthah sravana-patha-gatah kasya namnam mahimnah
ko vetta kasya vrndavana-vipina-maha-madhurisu pravesah
ko va janati radham parama-rasa-chamatkara-madhurya-simam
ekas chaitanya-chandrah parama-karunaya sarvam avischakara
(Sri Chaitanya-chandramrta: 130)

“Who would have heard of prema [divine love], the ultimate attainment? Who would know the Holy Name’s glory? Who would have entered the absolute sweetness of Vrndavan’s groves? Who would have known the climax of the extraordinary sweetness of Sri Radha’s supreme devotion? Only Sri Chaitanyachandra, by His supreme benevolence, revealed all of this.”