The observance of Dvadasi.
By Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj
Student: Maharaj, can you tell us also about the importance of Dvadasi?
Srila Sridhar Maharaj: Yes. We are told, from a particular approach, that Ekadasi and Dvadasi are the favourites of Hari. The underlying cause of this has already been explained. So, if we serve Hari on these tithis, Hari will be pleased with even very small service. Dvadasi is said to be even more favourite to Hari than Ekadasi, but also a little lenient. So, we generally observe fasting on Ekadasi, and only on the eight Mahadvadasis can we leave Ekadasi and observe fasting on Dvadasi. Otherwise, observance on Ekadasi is compulsory. Although Dvadasi is honoured as the very favourite of Hari, still Ekadasi has preference for fasting. Only in the eight cases formed by a special combination of the tithi [lunar phase], the naksatra [lunar house], and other things does Dvadasi get preference over Ekadasi. At these times, our small service will give us a greater result. That is the clue, the key. On Ekadasi and on Dvadasi, if we render even some small service, we will get greater remuneration. Remuneration means prema [love], priti [affection], serving attitude, earnestness. All these things will be enhanced at that particular time. The scientific cause of this is that Hari, at this time, wants to consume more service. That Hari demands more of His servitors is their fortune. So, at this time, during Ekadasi and Dvadasi, even a little service from His servitors is very useful. That is the key.
Also, as Purnima and Amavasya approach, and the rasa, the material eccentricity, the enjoying energy, comes to its highest degree, it is checked as it begins, before the full moon and new moon, by observing Ekadasi and Dvadasi.
Spoken on 19 February 1982.