How to proceed on the path of Krishna consciousness.

By Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj

Question: Even though someone may say that they have not come face to face with or seen Krishna or Mahaprabhu, still they must have some experience in their practice to know they are on the right path. Isn’t it?

Srila Govinda Maharaj: If I am trying to go to Delhi, I can read from a guidebook that tells me the correct path to Delhi. From the main road, there are many channels and sub-channels, but I need to go from here to Delhi. When I am sure that I want to go Delhi, then I shall go and take the road to Delhi, and on both sides I will see so many symptoms.

When I pass Bandel, I will see Bandel, and then Burdwan, Asansol, Dhanbad, and so on. If I see these symptoms, then I know, “Yes, I am going forward.” This is enough for me. It is not necessary to immediately see Delhi. When I read the guidebook, look on both sides of the road, and find, “I can see this, I can see that, I can see that”, then I must hopeful: “Yes, I am going the right way, and one day I must reach Delhi.” And when I reach Delhi, there a guide will also be necessary. Otherwise, I will not know where anything is. So, there also I must search for a guide. In this way, our destiny must give us our desired fulfilment.

If I immediately want to see Krishna or Mahaprabhu, I can see everything but I cannot digest it. And it is not necessary. I can see Delhi in a photo, I can read about the environment of Delhi in a book—I can learn everything about Dehli. I cannot go to Delhi immediately , but it is possible to get there by flight within two hours. That is our sadhana-bhakti and raga-bhakti; there are many ways to get there.

When I came and joined Srila Guru Maharaj, Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, I immediately went to Puri because Guru Maharaj needed me with him there. For that reason I could go. Otherwise, I did not go to Kalna for maybe twenty-five years. Kalna is twenty-five kilometres from here, but I did not go there. Katwa is twenty-six or twenty-eight kilometres from here, but I did not go there. I had no scope to go.

When the super devotee gives us a chance to serve him, then we can easily go to Puri and Vrndavan, no problem. Within six months, I saw all the holy places in Vrndavan, Puri, and Delhi—everything. Why? Guru Maharaj wanted me with him for his service, and in that way I went there.

Srila Swami Maharaj [Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupad] told me many times, “You come with me, and I will show you our centres all over the world. You must give a report to Guru Maharaj about how they are going.” At that time, however, I had no scope to go with Swami Maharaj. Guru Maharaj was sick; I could not leave Guru Maharaj. I said, “Yes, Maharaj, later I shall see. Later I shall see.” I did not get scope at that time, but if I got the scope then, I would easily go, but with the association of the higher devotee. It is possible. I have never ridden in an aeroplane, and I have no hankering to ride in an aeroplane, but if any chance comes at any time, I shall ride one. That is not a problem, but I need the seva of Guru Maharaj. If it is necessary for seva, then I must go, and the chance also must come to me.


Spoken on 8 August 1989.