Songs expressing the mood of the Vaisnavas as they honour prasadam.
Sri Gitavali
Songs 1–3, 5
These four songs were published by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj in Sri Gaudiya-gitanjali.
ভাই রে !
শরীর অবিদ্যা-জাল জড়েন্দ্রিয় তাহে কাল
জীবে ফেলে বিষয-সাগরে ।
তার মধ্যে জিহ্বা অতি লোভময় সুদুর্ম্মতি
তাকে জেতা কঠিন সংসারে ॥১॥
bhai re!
sarira avidya-jala jadendriya tahe kala
jive phele visaya-sagare
tara madhye jihva ati lobhamaya sudurmati
take jeta kathina samsare [1]
re!–O bhai–brother! sarira–The body [is] jala–a net avidya–of illusion, [and the] jada–material indriya–senses tahe–within it [are one’s] kala–enemies; phele–they throw jive–the soul sagare–into the ocean visaya–of mundanity. madhye–Amongst tara–them, jihva–the tongue [is] ati–most lobhamaya–voracious [and] sudurmati–wicked. jeta–To conquer take–it [is] kathina–difficult samsare–in this world.
O brother! The body is a net of illusion, and the material senses are one’s enemies; they throw the soul into the ocean of mundanity. Among the senses, the tongue is the most voracious and wicked. It is very difficult to conquer the tongue in this world.
কৃষ্ণ বড় দয়াময় করিবারে জিহ্বা জয়
স্বপ্রসাদ অন্ন দিল ভাই ।
সেই অন্নামৃত পাও রাধাকৃষ্ণ-গুণ গাও
প্রেমে ডাক চৈতন্য নিতাই ॥২॥
krsna bada dayamaya karibare jihva jaya
svaprasada anna dila bhai
sei annamrta pao radha-krsna-guna gao
preme daka chaitanya nitai [2]
bhai–Brother! krsna–Krsna [is] bada–very dayamaya–merciful: jaya karibare–to conquer jihva–the tongue dila–He has given [us His] sva–own prasada-anna–remnants. pao–Accept sei–this amrta–nectarean anna–food, gao–sing guna–the glories radha-krsna–of Radha and Krsna, [and] preme–with love daka–call out, chaitanya-nitai–“Chaitanya! Nitai!”
Brother! Krsna is very merciful: to conquer the tongue He has given us His remnants. Accept this nectarean food, sing the glories of Radha-Krsna, and with love call out, “Chaitanya! Nitai!”
ভাই রে !
একদিন শান্তিপুরে প্রভু অদ্বতের ঘরে
দুই প্রভু ভোজনে বসিল ।
শাক করি’ আস্বাদন প্রভু বলে, “ভক্তগণ
এই শাক কৃষ্ণ আস্বাদিল ॥১॥
bhai re!
eka-dina santipure prabhu advaitera ghare
dui prabhu bhojane basila
saka kari’ asvadana prabhu bale, “bhakta-gana
ei saka krsna asvadila [1]
re!–O bhai–brother! eka–One dina–day santipure–in Santipur ghare–at the house advaitera prabhu–of Advaita Prabhu, dui–the prabhu–Lord basila–sat down bhojane–to eat. asvadana kari’–Tasting saka–the sak, prabhu–the Lord bale,–said, “bhakta-gana–“O devotees, krsna–Krsna asvadila–has tasted ei–this saka–sak. [1]
O brother! One day in Santipur at the house of Advaita Prabhu, the two Lords sat down to eat. Tasting the saka, the Lord said, “O devotees, Krsna has tasted this saka.
হেন শাক আস্বাদনে কৃষ্ণপ্রেম আইসে মনে
সেই প্রেমে কর আস্বাদন ।
জড়বুদ্ধি পরিহরি’ প্রসাদ ভোজন করি
হরি হরি বল সর্ব্বজন” ॥২॥
hena saka asvadane krsna-prema aise mane
sei preme kara asvadana
jada-buddhi parihari’ prasada bhojana kari’
hari hari bala sarva-jana” [2]
asvadane–By tasting hena–such saka–sak prema–divine love krsna–for Krsna aise–comes mane–into the heart. [With] sei–such preme–love, asvadana kara–taste [this sak]. parihari’–Giving up [all] jada–mundane buddhi–conceptions, bhojana kari’–eat [this] prasada–prasad, [and] bala–chant, hari–‘Hari! hari”–Hari!’” [2]
“By tasting such sak, divine love for Krsna arises in the heart. With such love, taste this sak. Everyone should give up mundane conceptions, take this prasad, and chant, ‘Hari! Hari!’”
শচীর অঙ্গনে কভু মাধবেন্দ্রপুরী প্রভু
প্রসাদান্ন করেন ভোজন ।
খাইতে খাইতে তাঁর আইল প্রেম সুদুর্ব্বার
বলে, “শুন সন্ন্যাসীর গণ ॥১॥
sachira angane kabhu madhavendra puri prabhu
prasadanna karena bhojana
khaite khaite tara aila prema sudurvara
bale, “suna sannyasira gana [1]
madhavendra puri prabhu–Srila Madhavendra Puripad kabhu–once bhojana karena–ate anna–food prasada–prasad angane–in the courtyard sachira–of Sachi. khaite khaite–As he ate, sudurvara–irresistible prema–divine love aila–came tara–to him [and] bale,–he said, “sannyasira gana–O sannyasis, suna–listen! [1]
Srila Madhavendra Puripad once took prasad in Sri Sachi Devi’s courtyard. As he ate, irresistable divine love arose within him and he said, “O sannyasis, listen!
মোচাঘণ্ট ফুলবড়ি ডালি ডালনা চচ্চড়ি
শচীমাতা করিল রন্ধন ।
তাঁর শুদ্ধা-ভক্তি হেরি’ ভোজন করিল হরি
সুধা সম এ অন্ন-ব্যঞ্জন ॥২॥
mocha-ghanta phula-badi dali dalna chachchadi
sachi-mata karila randhana
tara suddha-bhakti heri’ bhojana karila hari
sudha-sama e anna-vyanjana [2]
mata–Mother sachi–Sachi randhana karila–has prepared mocha-ghanta–banana flower curry, phula-badi–fried pumpkin flower, dali–dal, dalna–rasa (vegetables in soup), chachchadi–lightly charred boiled vegetables. heri’–Seeing tara–her suddha–pure bhakti–devotion, hari–the Lord bhojana karila–has eaten [them]. e–These anna–grains [and] vyanjana–vegetables [are thus] sama–equal sudha–to nectar. [2]
Mother Sachi has prepared banana flower curry, fried pumpkin flower, dal, vegetables in soup, and lightly charred vegetables. Seeing her pure devotion, the Lord has eaten them. These grains and vegetables are thus equal to nectar.
যোগে যোগী পায় যাহা ভোগে আজ হবে তাহা
হরি বলি খাও সবে ভাই ।
কৃষ্ণের প্রসাদ-অন্ন ত্রিজগৎ করে ধন্য
ত্রিপুরারি নাচে অয়হা পাই’”॥৩॥
yoge yogi paya yaha bhoge aja habe taha
hari bali’ khao sabe bhai
krsnera prasada-anna trijagata kare dhanya
tripurari nache yaha pai’ [3]
aja–Today habe–will be had bhoge–by eating taha–that yaha–which yogi–yogis paya–attain yoge–through yoga. sabe bhai–Brothers! bali’–Chant hari–‘Hari’ [and] khao–eat! krsnera–Krsna’s prasada-anna–prasad kare–makes trijagata–the three worlds dhanya–fortunate, [and] tripurari–Lord Siva nache–dances pai’–upon receiving yaha–it. [3]
Today we will attain by eating what yogis attain through yoga. Brothers! Chant ‘Hari’ and eat! Sri Krsna’s prasad makes the three worlds fortunate, and Lord Siva dances upon receiving it.
ভাই রে !
একদিন নীলাচলে প্রসাদসেবন-কালে
মহাপ্রভু শ্রীকৃষ্ণচৈতন্য ।
বলিলেন ভক্তগণে, “খেচরান্ন শুদ্ধ মনে
সেবা করি’ হও আজ ধন্য ॥১॥
bhai re!
eka-dina nilachale prasada-sevana-kale
mahaprabhu sri-krsna-chaitanya
balilena bhakta-gane, “khecharanna suddha-mane
seva kari’ hao aja dhanya [1]
re!–O bhai–brother! eka–One dina–day nilachale–in Jagannath Puri kale–at the time sevana–of honouring prasada–prasad, mahaprabhu–the Supreme Lord sri-krsna-chaitanya–Sri Krsna Chaitanya balilena–said bhakta-gane,–to the devotees, “hao–“Be dhanya–fortune aja–today seva kari’–by honouring khecharanna–khichari [with] suddha–pure mane–hearts. [1]
O brother! One day in Nilachal at the time of honouring prasadam, Mahaprabhu Sri Krsna Chaitanya said to the devotees, “Be fortunate today by honouring khichari with pure hearts.
খেচরান্ন পিঠাপানা অপূর্ব্ব প্রসাদ নানা
জগন্নাথ দিল তোমা সাবে ।
আকণ্ঠ ভোজন করি’ বল মুখে হরি হরি
অবিদ্যা-দুরিত নাহি রবে ॥২॥
khecharanna pitha-pana apurva prasada nana
jagannatha dila toma sabe
akantha bhojana kari’ bala mukhe hari hari
avidya-durita nahi rabe [2]
jagannatha–Jagannath dila–has given toma–you sabe–all khecharanna–khichari, pitha–pancakes, pana–sherbet, [and] nana–various [other types of] apurva–wonderful prasada–prasad. bhojana kari’–Eat akantha–up to the neck [and] bala–chant mukhe–with [your] mouth, hari–‘Hari! hari–Hari!’ avidya–Ignorance [and] durita–sin [will] nahi–not rabe–remain. [2]
“Lord Jagannath has given you khichari, pancakes, sherbet, and various other types of wonderful prasad. Eat up to your neck and chant the Name of Hari! Ignorance and sin will disappear.
জগন্নাথ-প্রসাদান্ন বিরিঞ্চি শম্ভুর মান্য
খাইলে প্রেম হইবে উদয় ।
এমন দুর্ল্লভ ধন পাইয়াছ সর্ব্বজন
জয় জয় জগন্নাথ জয় ॥৩॥
jagannatha-prasadanna virinchi-sambhura manya
khaile prema ha-ibe udaya
emana durlabha dhana paiyachha sarva-jana
jaya jaya jagannatha jaya [3]
jagannatha–Jagannath’s prasadanna–prasad [is] manya–honoured virinchi–by Brahma [and] sambhura–Siva. khaile–If you eat [it], prema–divine love udaya ha-ibe–will arise [within you]. sarva-jana–Everyone paiyachha–has attained emana–such [a] durlabha–precious dhana–treasure. jaya–Glory! jaya–Glory! jaya–Glory jagannatha–to Jagannath! [3]
Lord Jagannath’s prasad is honoured by Lord Brahma and Lord Siva. If you eat it, divine love will arise within you. You all have now attained such a precious treasure. Glory! Glory! Glory to Lord Jagannath!