Offering obeisance to Sri Krishna and Srimad Bhagavatam.
By Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj
Translated Sanskrit verses
originally published in Sri Gaudiya Darsan,
Volume 6, Issue 9,
on Monday, 10 April 1961.

vedartha-sphuta-vag-bhagavata-suviditam hy advaya-jnana-tattvam
jnanendra-brahma yogesvara-gana-paramatmapi yaj jyotir amsah
bhaktaughair archyamano vilasati paramavyomni narayano yah
sandranandaika-kandam nikhila-rasa-sudha-dhama krsnam bhajami
[He is] suviditam–renowned bhagavata–in Srimad Bhagavatam— sphuta–the [fully] manifest vag–expression artha–of the meaning veda–of the Vedas— [as] hi–verily advaya–the nondual jnana–spiritual tattvam–Truth, yaj–whose jyotir– effulgence [is] brahma–the Brahma indra–of the masters jnana–of knowledge, [yaj]–whose amsah–expansion [is] api–indeed paramatma–the Supersoul isvara-gana–of the masters yoga–of yoga, [and] yah–who vilasati–plays paramavyomni–in the spiritual sky narayanah–as Narayan, archyamanah–being worshipped oghaih–by multitudes bhakta–of devotees. bhajami–I serve krsnam–Krishna, [the] eka–sole kandam–source sandra–of [the most] intense ananda–joy, dhama–the abode sudha–of the nectar nikhila–of all rasa–rasas.
He is renowned in Srimad Bhagavatam—the fully manifest expression of the message of the Vedas—as the Absolute Truth. His effulgence is the Brahma sought after by the masters of knowledge, His expansion is the Supersoul sought after by the masters of yoga, and He plays in the spiritual sky as Narayan, worshipped by multitudes of devotees. I serve Him, Sri Krishna, the sole source of the highest joy, the abode of the nectar of all rasas.
vedo va dharma-sastro bhajati viphalatam yo ’pi tantrah purano
yady avirbhava urvyam na bhavati sarito bhagavatyah sudhayah
yo vrndaranya-lila-rasa-parama-chamatkara-murtim prakasya
atradat sarva-sastre charama-saphalatam naumi tam grantha-rajam
yadi–If yah avirbhava–the appearance saritah–of the stream sudhayah–of the nectar bhagavatyah–of Srimad Bhagavatam na bhavati–does not manifest urvyam–on the earth, [then] vedah–the Vedas, tantrah–Tantras, puranah–Puranas, api va dharma–and other religious sastrah–scriptures bhajati–attain viphalatam–the state of being useless. naumi–I bow tam–to Him, grantha-rajam–the king of scriptures (Srimad Bhagavatam), yah–who adat–gave atra–here charama–the ultimate saphalatam–fulfilment sarva–of all sastre–the scriptures prakasya–by revealing parama–the supremely chamatkara–wonderful murtim–embodiment rasa–of the rasas lila–of the Pastimes vrndaranya–of Vrndavan [—Sri Krishna].
If the stream of the nectar of Srimad Bhagavatam had not appeared on the earth, then the Vedas, Tantras, Puranas, and other religious scriptures would be useless. I bow to the king of scriptures, Srimad Bhagavatam, which gave the ultimate fulfilment of all the scriptures by revealing the supremely wonderful embodiment of the rasas of the Pastimes of Vrndavan—Sri Krishna.