A Flower Offering Of Praise
By Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj
A Sanskrit poem originally published in Śrī Gauḍīya Darśan,
Volume 1, Issue 4, Tuesday, 15 November 1955
and Volume 9, Issue 4, Thursday, 14 November 1963.

পরমার্থিগণার্চ্চিতদীপ্ততনুম্ ।
শতশোঽথ নমামি তমিষ্টবরম্ ॥১॥
śataśo ’tha namāmi tam iṣṭa-varam [1]
[He is] param–devoted dāna–to distributing amṛta–the nectar rasa–of the rasa bhakti–of devotion hari–to the Lord. [His] dīpta–lustrous tanum–form [is] archchita–worshipped arthi-gaṇa–by the seekers parama–of the highest truth. śatam–Hundreds sundara–of beautiful chandra–of moons [are] nindita–defamed [by his] tanu–form. namāmi–I bow, atha–thus, śataśaḥ–hundreds of times tam–to him, [my] iṣṭa–beloved varam–master. [1]
He is devoted to distributing the nectar of the rasa of devotion to Hari. His lustrous form, by which hundreds of beautiful moons are defamed, is worshipped by the seekers of the highest truth. I thus bow thousands of times to him, my beloved master.
বরদং শুভদঞ্চ সুশন্দপদং
পদনির্ধুতদুর্জ্জয়দুর্গদলম্ ।
ভিদভেদযুতা তদচিন্ত্যমতিম্ ॥২॥
varadaṁ śubhadañ cha suśanda-padaṁ
bhid-abheda-yutā tad-achintya-matim [2]
[His] suśanda–most auspicious padam–feet varadam–bestow blessings cha–and śubhadam–bestow good fortune, [and his] pada–feet dalam–break through nirdhuta–the unshakable, durjaya–impenetrable durga–fortress (of material existence). [With] tad–his achintya–inconceivable matim–conception yuta–founded on bhid–difference [and] abheda–nondifference, bhidam–He cuts apart sudurṇaya–unruly vāda–ideologies [that] dalanīya–need to be destroyed. [2]
His most auspicious feet bestow blessings and good fortune, and break through the unshakable, impenetrable fortress (of material existence). With his conception of inconceivable difference and nondifference, he cuts apart unruly ideologies that need to be destroyed.
পরমর্ষিগণাঞ্চন-মৌলিমণিম্ ।
মণিশৃঙ্গনিভং হরিরূপবিভুং
বিভুকৃষ্ণকৃপামৃতধর্ত্তৃবরম্ ॥৩॥
maṇi-śṛṅga-nibhaṁ hari-rūpa-vibhuṁ
vibhu-kṛṣṇa-kṛpāmṛta-dharttṛ-varam [3]
[His] mati–consciousness [is] majjana–immersed param–in the highest, [most] mṛgya–sought after subhakti–pure devotion. [He is the] mauli–crown maṇim–jewel [to whom] parama–the greatest ṛṣi-gaṇa–sages añchana–bow. nibham–Resembling maṇi-śṛṅga–Sūrya, the sun god, [he is] vibhum–a powerful master [and] rūpa–form hari–of the Lord. [He is] varam–the beloved dharttṛ–carrier amṛta–of the nectar kṛpā–of the mercy vibhu–of Lord kṛṣṇa–Kṛṣṇa. [3]
His consciousness is immersed in the highest, most sought after pure devotion. He is the crown jewel to whom the greatest sages bow. Resembling the sun, he is a powerful master and form of the Lord. He is the beloved carrier of the nectar of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s mercy.
পরমেশ্বরসেবকগীতগুণম্ ।
পদপঙ্কজভৃঙ্গগণঞ্চ ভজে ॥৪॥
pada-paṅkaja-bhṛṅga-gaṇañ cha bhaje [4]
[He is] param–immersed pāna–in drinking rasa–the rasa sudhā–of the nectar vara–of the highest nāma–Name, [and his] guṇam–glories [are] gīta–sung sevaka–by the servants parama–of the Supreme īśvara–Lord. [His] vandya–worshippable padam–feet [are] samujjvala–radiant rāji–with rays guṇa–of virtues; [his] paṅkaja–lotus pada–feet [are surrounded] bhṛṅga-gaṇam–by bees (devotees). cha–And bhaje–I worship [him]. [4]
He is immersed in drinking the rasa of the nectar of the highest Name, and his glories are sung by the Supreme Lord’s servants. His worshippable, lotus feet are radiant with rays of virtues and surrounded by bee-like devotees. I worship him.
কনকসুরুচিরাঙ্গং সুন্দরং সৌম্যমূর্ত্তিং
বিবুধকুলবরেণ্যং শ্রীগুরুং সিদ্ধিপূর্ত্তিম্ ।
তরুণতপনবাসং ভক্তিদঞ্চিদ্বিলাসং
ভজ ভজ তু মনোরে ! শ্রীধরং শম্বিধানম্ ॥
kanaka-suruchirāṅgaṁ sundaraṁ saumya-mūrtiṁ
vibudha-kula-vareṇyaṁ śrī-guruṁ siddhi-pūrtim
taruṇa-tapana-vāsaṁ bhaktidañ chid-vilāsaṁ
bhaja bhaja tu mano re śrīdharaṁ śam-vidhānam
[Replete with a] sundaram–beautiful, suruchira–radiant, kanaka–golden aṅgam–figure, [wearing] vāsam–garments [resembling the] taruṇa–rising tapana–sun [and] vareṇyam–worshipped vibudha-kula–by the wise, [he is] mūrtim–the embodiment saumya–of serenity. [He is] bhaktidam–the giver of [pure] devotion, pūrtim–granter [of all] siddhi–perfections, [and manifestation] chid–of the divine vilāsam–play. re–O mano tu–mind! bhaja bhaja–Always serve vidhānam–this maker śam–of [your] fortune [manifest if the form] śrī-gurum–dispeller of darkness, śrīdharam–Śrīla Śrīdhar Swāmī.
His beautiful, radiant golden figure, dressed in garments resembling the rising sun and worshipped by the wise, he is the embodiment of serenity. He is the giver of pure devotion, granter of all perfections, and manifestation of the divine play. O mind! Always serve this maker of your fortune manifest in the form of Śrī Guru, Śrīla Śrīdhar Swāmī.