Praise for the Publication
By Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj
A Bengali poem originally published in Sri Gaudiya Darsan,
Volume 3, Issue 12, 12 July 1958.

যে-দিন উদিলে তুমি সূর্য-সম আঁধার ভেদিয়া,
ভক্তি-জ্ঞান-বিরাগের পূর্ণতম কর প্রকাশিয়া,
সে-দিন ভরিয়াছিল দুঃখ-ভরা এ ভুবন-খানি—
পরানন্দ-কোলাহলে, সাম-গানে, হে গৌড়ীয়-বানী! ॥১॥
ye-dina udile tumi surya-sama adhara bhediya,
bhakti-jnana-viragera purnatama kara prakasiya,
se-dina bhariyachhila duhkha-bhara e bhuvana-khani—
parananda-kolahale, sama-gane, he gaudiya-vani! [1]
he–O gaudiya-vani!–message of Sri Gaudiya Darsan! ye-dina se-dina–The day tumi–you udile–appeared, bhediya–pierced adhara–through the darkness surya-sama–like the sun, [and] prakasiya purnatama kara–fully manifested bhakti-jnana-viragera–devotion, knowledge, and detachment, bhariyachhila–you filled e–this duhkha-bhara–sorrow-ridden bhuvana-khani–world sama-gane–with a thunderous song [and] parananda-kolahale–an ecstatic uproar. [1]
O message of Sri Gaudiya Darsan! The day you appeared, pierced through the darkness like the sun, and fully manifested devotion, knowledge, and detachment, you filled this sorrow-ridden world with a thunderous song and an ecstatic uproar.
আজি তব প্রকাশের পূর্ণ হল তৃতীয় বরষ
সজ্জন আনন্দে নাচে লভি’ তব মঙ্গল পরশ ।
তোমার বিমল করে লভে প্রাণ শত শত প্রাণী
এ-ধরার মাঝে তুমি অমরার মৃত-সঞ্জীবনী ॥২॥
aji tava prakasera purna hala trtiya varasa
sajjana anande nache labhi’ tava mangala parasa
tomara vimala kare labhe prana sata sata prani
e-dharara majhe tumi amarara mrta-sanjivani [2]
aji–Today, trtiya varasa–the third year tava prakasera–of your publication purna hala–is complete. sajjana–The sadhus nache–dance anande–in ecstasy, labhi’–as they experience tava–your mangala–auspicious parasa–touch. tomara vimala kare–By your divine hand, sata sata–thousands prani–of souls labhe–attain prana–life. majhe–Within e–this dharara–world, tumi–you [are] amarara–heaven’s mrta-sanjivani–life giving nectar for the dead. [2]
Today, the third year of your publication is complete. The sadhus dance in ecstasy as they experience your auspicious touch. By your divine hand, thousands of souls come to life. Within this world, you are heaven’s life-giving nectar for the dead.
হেথা জন্ম-মৃত্যু-জরা শোক-ভরে জর্জরিত লোক
স্বর্গ-মর্ত-নরকেতে নিরন্তর করে কর্ম্ম-ভোগ ।
মহাঘোর অন্ধকারে; হেরিয়া তাদের দুঃখ-গ্লানি
প্রকাশিলে আত্ম-রূপে দুঃখ-হরা হে বৈকুণ্ঠ-বাণী! ॥৩॥
hetha janma-mrtyu-jara soka-bhare jarjarita loka
svarga-marta-narakete nirantara kare karma-bhoga
mahaghora andhakare; heriya tadera duhkha-glani
prakasile atma-rupe duhkha-hara he vaikuntha-vani! [3]
he–O duhkha-hara–remover of sorrow, vaikuntha-vani!–message of the infinite world! heriya–Seeing loka–the souls hetha–here mahaghora andhakare–in terrible darkness, nirantara–constantly karma-bhoga kare–enduring [their] karma svarga-marta-narakete–throughout heaven, earth, and hell, jarjarita–weary janma-mrtyu-jara-soka-bhare–from the burdens of birth, death, old age, and lamentation, prakasile–you manifested atma-rupe–yourself tadera duhkha-glani–to dispel their sorrow. [3]
O remover of sorrow, message of the infinite world! Seeing the souls here in the terrible darkness, constantly enduring their karma throughout heaven, earth, and hell, weary from the burdens of birth, death, old age, and lamentation, You manifested yourself to dispel their sorrow.
তব দৈব-তেজোরাশি জ্বালাময়ী বাসে দৈত্য-কুল
তোমার প্রকাশে লোকে লভিতেছে ভূলোকে গোকুল ।
সাধুগণ স্তুতি করে স্মরি’ তব মহাবদান্যতা
এ মর-জগতে তুমি গোলোকের অমৃত-বারতা ॥৪॥
tava daiva-tejorasi jvalamayi vase daitya-kula
tomara prakase loke labhitechhe bhuloke gokula
sadhu-gana stuti kare smari’ tava mahavadanyata
e mara-jagate tumi golokera amrta-varata [4]
daitya-kula–The ungodly vase–marvel [at] tava–your jvalamayi–blazing daiva-tejorasi–divine glory. tomara prakase–By your appearance, loke–souls labhitechhe–are reaching gokula–Gokula bhuloke–on earth. sadhu-gana–The sadhus stuti kare–praise [you,] smari’–remembering tava–your mahavadanyata–tremendous magnanimity. tumi–You [are] amrta-varata–the nectarean message golokera–of Goloka e mara-jagate–in this mortal world. [4]
The ungodly marvel at your blazing divine glory. By your appearance, souls are reaching Gokula on earth. The sadhus praise you, remembering your tremendous magnanimity. You are the nectarean message of Goloka in this mortal world.
তোমার করুণা-ধারে তুর্য-বর্ষ* করিবারে স্নান
প্রণতি সহস্র-দলে আশা-ভরে করিছে আহ্বান ।
“তুর্য-বর্ষ-পদার্পণে উঠুক্ মঙ্গল-তুর্য্য-ধ্বনি
তোমার মঙ্গল-ঘট উছলিয়া ভাসাক্ মেদিনী” ॥৫॥
tomara karuna-dhare turya-varsa* karibare snana
pranati sahasra-dale asa-bhare karichhe ahvana
“turya-varsa-padarpane uthuk mangala-turya-dhvani
tomara mangala-ghata uchhaliya bhasak medini” [5]
snana karibare–To bathe turya-varsa–in the divine shower (fourth year) tomara karuna-dhare–of the stream of your mercy, pranati–I bow [to you] sahasra-dale–thousands of times, [and] asa-bhare–filled with hope, ahvana karichhe–I pray, “turya-varsa-padarpane–“As we enter your divine shower (set forth into your fourth year), [may your] mangala-turya-dhvani–auspicious, divine voice uthuk–resound! [May] tomara mangala-ghata–the clay pot of your auspiciousness uchhaliya–overflow [and] bhasak–inundate medini”–the earth!” [5]
To bathe in the divine shower (the fourth year) of the stream of your mercy, I bow to you thousands of times, and filled with hope, I pray, “As we enter your divine shower (set foot into your fourth year), may your auspicious, divine voice resound! May the clay pot of your auspiciousness overflow and inundate the earth!”
*In this verse, there is a play on the words turya, which means both “fourth” and “divine” and varsa, which means both “year” and “shower”.