Poems offered in homage to the exalted paramahamsa

by Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣak Śrīdhar Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj
নমো গৌরকিশোরায় ভক্তাবধূত-মূর্ত্তয়ে ।
গৌরাঙ্ঘ্রিপদ্মভৃঙ্গায় রাধাভাবনিষেবিণে ॥
namo gaura-kiśorāya bhaktāvadhūta-mūrtaye
gaurāṅghri-padma-bhṛṅgāya rādhā-bhāva-niṣeviṇe
namaḥ–I offer my obeisance gaura-kiśorāya–unto Gaura Kiśor, mūrtaye–the epitome bhakta–of a devotee avadhūta–mendicant, bhṛṅgāya–the honey-bee padma–in the lotus gaura–of Gaura’s aṅghri–feet, niṣeviṇe–ever-engaged in service bhāva–out of love rādhā–to Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇ
I offer my obeisance unto Śrīla Gaura Kiśor Dās Bābājī Mahārāj, the epitome of a devotee avadhūt, the honey-bee in the lotus of Gaura’s feet, ever-engaged in loving service to Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī.
Ten verses in obeisance to Śrīmad Gaura Kiśor
by Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣak Śrīdhar Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj
গুরোর্গুরো মে পরমো গুরুস্ত্বং
বরেণ্য ! গৌরাঙ্গগণাগ্রগণ্যে ।
প্রসীদ ভৃত্যে দয়িতাশ্রিতে তে
নমো নমো গৌরকিশোর তুভ্যম্ ॥১॥
guror guro me paramo gurus tvaṁ
vareṇya! gaurāṅga-gaṇāgragaṇye
prasīda bhṛtye dayitāśrite te
namo namo gaura-kiśora tubhyam [1]
guro–O master [of] me–my guroḥ–master! tvam–You, [my] paramaḥ–grand guruḥ–master, [are] vareṇya!–worshippable agragaṇye–amongst the foremost [of] gaurāṅga–Śrī Gaurāṅga’s gaṇa–associates. prasīda–May you be pleased bhṛtye–with this servant āśrite–sheltered in te–your dayita–Dayita Dās. gaura-kiśora–O Gaura Kiśor, namaḥ namaḥ–I offer my obeisance again and again tubhyam–unto you. [1]
O master of my master! You, my grand master, are worshippable amongst the foremost of Śrī Gaurāṅga’s associates. May you be pleased with this servant sheltered in your Dayita Dās. O Gaura Kiśor, I offer my obeisance again and again unto you.
প্রভুং জগত্যাং পতিতৈকবন্ধুম্ ।
ত্বমেব দেব ! প্রকটী চকার
নমো নমো গৌরকিশোর তুভ্যম্ ॥২॥
prabhuṁ jagatyāṁ patitaika-bandhum
tvam eva deva! prakaṭī chakāra
namo namo gaura-kiśora tubhyam [2]
deva!–O lord! tvam–You eva–indeed prakaṭī chakāra–have manifest eka–the one [and only] bandhum–friend patita–of the fallen jagatyām–in this world, jagat–the world prasiddham–renowned prabhum–master nāma–named sarasvatī–Saraswatī. gaura-kiśora–O Gaura Kiśor, namaḥ namaḥ–I offer my obeisance again and again tubhyam–unto you. [2]
O lord! You have manifest the one and only friend of the fallen in this world, the world renowned master Śrī Bhakti Siddhānta Saraswatī. O Gaura Kiśor, I offer my obeisance again and again unto you.
হৃদি ব্রজদ্বন্দ্বরহো-বিলাসী ।
বহির্বিরাগী ত্ববধূতবেষী
নমো নমো গৌরকিশোর তুভ্যম্ ॥৩॥
kvachid vrajāraṇya-vivikta-vāsī
hṛdi vraja-dvandva-raho-vilāsī
bahir virāgī tv avadhūta-veṣī
namo namo gaura-kiśora tubhyam [3]
kvachit–Sometimes [you are] vivikta–a solitary vāsī–resident araṇya–in the forests vraja–of Vraja [and] hṛdi–at heart vilāsī–a reveller rahaḥ–in the hidden [Pastimes] dvandva–of the couple vraja–of Vraja, [though] bahiḥ–externally [you remain] virāgī–a renunciate tu–or veṣī–a wearer of the garb avadhūta–of an Avadhūt. gaura-kiśora–O Gaura Kiśor, namaḥ namaḥ–I offer my obeisance again and again tubhyam–unto you. [3]
Sometimes, residing solitarily in the forests of Vraja, you are immersed in the deeply hidden Pastimes of Vraja’s youthful couple, though externally you observe the rules of renunciation or wear the garb of an avadhūt. O Gaura Kiśor, I offer my obeisance again and again unto you.
ক্বচিৎ পুনর্গৌরবনান্তচারী
সুরাপগাতীররজোবিহারী ।
নমো নমো গৌরকিশোর তুভ্যম্ ॥৪॥
kvachit punar gaura-vanāntachārī
namo namo gaura-kiśora tubhyam [4]
kvachit–Sometimes punaḥ–too [you are] antachārī–a wanderer along the edge gaura–of Gaura’s vana–forest [and] vihārī–a roamer rajaḥ–in the sand tīra–on the bank surāpagā–of the Ganges dhārī–bearing pavitra–a sacred kaupīna–loincloth [and] karaṅka–waterpot. gaura-kiśora–O Gaura Kiśor, namaḥ namaḥ–I offer my obeisance again and again tubhyam–unto you. [4]
Sometimes too you wander along the edge of Gaura’s forest and roam along the sandy banks of the Ganges wearing a sacred loincloth and carrying a water-pot. O Gaura Kiśor, I offer my obeisance again and again unto you.
সদা হরের্নাম মুদা রটন্তং
গৃহে গৃহে মাধুকরীমটন্তম্ ।
নমন্তি দেবা অপি যং মহান্তং
নমো নমো গৌরকিশোর তুভ্যম্ ॥৫॥
sadā harer nāma mudā raṭantaṁ
gṛhe gṛhe mādhukarīm aṭantam
namanti devā api yaṁ mahāntaṁ
namo namo gaura-kiśora tubhyam [5]
sadā–Ever mudā–blissful raṭantam–in chanting nāma–the Name hareḥ–of the Lord [and] aṭantam–accepting mādhukarīm–alms gṛhe–from house gṛhe–to house, mahāntam–O great soul yam–to whom api–even devāḥ–gods namanti–offer obeisance, gaura-kiśora–O Gaura Kiśor, namaḥ namaḥ–I offer my obeisance again and again tubhyam–unto you. [5]
Ever blissful in chanting the Name of Hari and accepting alms from house to house, O great soul to whom even the gods offer obeisance, O Gaura Kiśor, I offer my obeisance again and again unto you.
ক্বচিদ্রুদন্তঞ্চ হসন্নটন্তং
নিজেষ্টদেবপ্রণয়াভিভূতম্ ।
নমন্তি গায়ন্তমলং জনা ত্বাং
নমো নমো গৌরকিশোর তুভ্যম্ ॥৬॥
kvachid rudantañ cha hasan naṭantaṁ
namanti gāyantam alaṁ janā tvāṁ
namo namo gaura-kiśora tubhyam [6]
kvachit–Sometimes rudantam–crying, [sometimes] hasan–laughing, [sometimes] naṭantam–dancing, cha–and [sometimes] gāyantam–singing, abhibhūtam–overwhelmed praṇaya–with love [for your] nija–own iṣṭa–beloved deva–Lord, janāḥ–people namanti–offer obeisance alam–in abundance tvām–unto you. gaura-kiśora–O Gaura Kiśor, namaḥ namaḥ–I offer my obeisance again and again tubhyam–unto you. [6]
Overwhelmed with love for your beloved Lord, you sometimes dance, sometimes cry, sometimes laugh, and sometimes sing aloud as people offer an abundance of obeisances unto you. O Gaura Kiśor, I offer my obeisance again and again unto you.
মহাযশোভক্তিবিনোদবন্ধো !
মহাপ্রভুপ্রেমসুধৈকসিন্ধো ! ।
অহো জগন্নাথদয়াস্পদেন্দো !
নমো নমো গৌরকিশোর তুভ্যম্ ॥৭॥
aho jagannātha-dayāspadendo!
namo namo gaura-kiśora tubhyam [7]
bandho!–O friend mahāyaśaḥ–of the illustrious bhakti-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod! [O] eka–sole sindho!–ocean sudhā–of the nectar mahāprabhu–of Mahāprabhu’s prema–of love! aho–O indo!–moon āspada–carrier dayā–of the mercy jagannātha–of Jagannāth Dās Bābājī Mahārāj! gaura-kiśora–O Gaura Kiśor, namaḥ namaḥ–I offer my obeisance again and again tubhyam–unto you. [7]
O friend of the illustrious Ṭhākur Bhakti Vinod! O one and only ocean of the nectar of Mahāprabhu Śrī Chaitanyadev’s love! O moon carrier of the mercy of the best of the Vaiṣṇavas throughout the world Śrī Jagannāth Dās Bābājī Mahārāj! O Gaura Kiśor, I offer my obeisance again and again unto you.
সমাপ্য রাধাব্রতমুত্তমং ত্ব-
মবাপ্য দামোদরজাগরাহম্ ।
গতোঽসি রাধাদরসখ্যরিদ্ধিং
নমো নমো গৌরকিশোর তুভ্যম্ ॥৮॥
samāpya rādhā-vratam uttamaṁ tvam
avāpya dāmodara-jāgarāham
gato ’si rādhādara-sakhya-riddhiṁ
namo namo gaura-kiśora tubhyam [8]
samāpya–Upon completing uttamam–the exalted rādhā-vratam–the Ūrjja-vrata [and] avāpya–reaching aham–the day dāmodara–of Dāmodar’s jāgara–awakening, tvam–you gataḥ asi–regained riddhim–the fortune [of being] ādara–a cherished sakhya–friend rādhā–of Śrī Rādhā. gaura-kiśora–O Gaura Kiśor, namaḥ namaḥ–I offer my obeisance again and again tubhyam–unto you. [8]
Upon completing the exalted Ūrjja-vrata, on the day of Dāmodar’s awakening you regained the fortune of being a cherished friend of Śrī Rādhā. O Gaura Kiśor, I offer my obeisance again and again unto you.
বিহায় সঙ্গং কুলিয়ালয়ানাং
প্রগৃহ্য সেবাং দয়িতানুগস্য ।
বিভাসি মায়াপুরমন্দিরস্থো
নমো নমো গৌরকিশোর তুভ্যম্ ॥৯॥
vihāya saṅgaṁ kuliyā-layānāṁ
pragṛhya sevāṁ dayitānugasya
vibhāsi māyāpura-mandira-stho
namo namo gaura-kiśora tubhyam [9]
vihāya–Rejecting saṅgam–the association layānām–residents kuliyā–of Kuliyā pragṛhya–accepting sevām–the service [of your] anugasya–follwer dayita–Śrī Dayita Dās, vibhāsi–you gracefully remain sthaḥ–situated mandira–in [your] Temple māyāpura–in Māyāpur. gaura-kiśora–O Gaura Kiśor, namaḥ namaḥ–I offer my obeisance again and again tubhyam–unto you. [9]
Rejecting the association of the residents of the town of Kuliyā and accepting the service of your follower Śrī Dayita Dās, you reside gracefully in your Temple in Śrī Dhām Māyāpur. O Gaura Kiśor, I offer my obeisance again and again unto you.
সদা নিমগ্নোঽপ্যপরাধপঙ্কে
হ্যহৈতুকীমেষ কৃপাঞ্চ যাচে ।
দয়াং সমুদ্ধৃত্য বিধেহি দীনং
নমো নমো গৌরকিশোর তুভ্যম্ ॥১০॥
sadā nimagno ’py aparādha-paṅke
hy ahaitukīm eṣa kṛpāñ cha yāche
dayāṁ samuddhṛtya vidhehi dīnaṁ
namo namo gaura-kiśora tubhyam [10]
api–Although eṣa–this [fallen soul is] sadā–always nimagnaḥ–submerged paṅke–in the mud aparādha–of offences, cha–still yāche–I pray hi–for [your] ahaitukīm–unconditional kṛpām–mercy. samuddhṛtya–Please rescue [and] vidhehi–bestow [your] dayām–grace dīnam–on this poor soul. gaura-kiśora–O Gaura Kiśor, namaḥ namaḥ–I offer my obeisance again and again tubhyam–unto you. [10]
Although I am always submerged in the mud of offences, this fallen soul is begging for your unconditional mercy. Please rescue and bestow your grace upon this poor soul. O Gaura Kiśor, I offer my obeisance again and again unto you.
Eight verses in obeisance to our Param Gurudev
by Śrīmad Bhakti Deśika Āchārya Mahārāj
রূপানুগাদ্যং নিরবদ্যরূপম্ ।
বৈরাগ্যধর্ম্মোজ্জ্বলবিগ্রহং তং
বন্দে প্রভুং গৌরকিশোর-সংজ্ঞম্ ॥১॥
rūpānugādyaṁ niravady arūpam
vairāgya-dharmojjvala-vigrahaṁ taṁ
vande prabhuṁ gaura-kiśora-saṁjñam [1]
śuddha–A pure bhaktam–devotee āśrita–sheltered [in the] śrī–holy dhāma–land gauḍa–of Gauḍa, ādyam–the best anuga–of the followers rūpa–of Śrī Rūpa, niravadi–ever arūpam–emaciated ujjvala–an effulgent vigraham–embodiment dharma–of the practice vairāgya–of renunciation— vande–I offer my obeisance tam–to him, prabhum–the master saṁjñam–known as gaura-kiśora–Gaura Kiśor. [1]
A pure devotee sheltered in the holy land of Gauḍa, the best of the followers of Śrī Rūpa, ever emaciated, an effulgent embodiment of renunciation—I offer my obeisance to him, the master Gaura Kiśor.
অসত্-প্রসঙ্গং পরিহায় নিত্যং
গৌরাঙ্গ-সেবাব্রত-মগ্নচিত্তম্ ।
বন্দে প্রভুং গৌরকিশোর-সংজ্ঞম্ ॥২॥
asat-prasaṅgaṁ parihāya nityaṁ
vande prabhuṁ gaura-kiśora-saṁjñam [2]
parihāya–Rejecting [all] asat–bad prasaṅgam–association, [his] chittam–heart [is] nityam–ever magna–immersed vrata–in the vow sevā–of service gaurāṅga–to Śrī Gaurāṅga, [and he is] viśiṣṭa–filled [with] prajñam–realisation abheda–of the nondifference gauḍa–of Gauḍa [and] vraja–Vraja. vande–I offer my obeisance prabhum–to the master saṁjñam–known as gaura-kiśora–Gaura Kiśor. [2]
Rejecting all bad association, his heart is ever immersed in the vow of service to Śrī Gaurāṅga, and he is filled with realisation of the nondifference of Gauḍa and Vraja. I offer my obeisance to the master Gaura Kiśor.
মাহাত্ম্য-গীতোন্মুখং বরেণ্যম্ ।
ধন্যং মহাভাগবতাগ্রগণ্যং
বন্দে প্রভুং গৌরকিশোর-সংজ্ঞম্ ॥৩॥
māhātmya-gītonmukhaṁ vareṇyam
dhanyaṁ mahābhāgavatāgragaṇyaṁ
vande prabhuṁ gaura-kiśora-saṁjñam [3]
unmukham–Intent gītā–upon chanting gūḍha–the secret divya–divine māhātmya–glories [of the] śrī–holy dhāma–abode māyāpura–of Māyāpur, [he is] vareṇyam–exalted, dhanyam–admirable, [and] āgragaṇyam–the foremost mahābhāgavata–of advanced devotees. vande–I offer my obeisance prabhum–to the master saṁjñam–known as gaura-kiśora–Gaura Kiśor. [3]
Intent upon chanting the secret divine glories of Śrī Dhām Māyāpur, he is exalted, admirable, and the foremost of advanced devotees. I offer my obeisance to the master Gaura Kiśor.
শ্রীরাধিকাকৃষ্ণ-নিগূঢ়-ভক্তম্ ।
সদা ব্রজাবেশ-সরাগ-চেষ্টং
বন্দে প্রভুং গৌরকিশোর-সংজ্ঞম্ ॥৪॥
sadā vrajāveśa-sarāga-cheṣṭaṁ
vande prabhuṁ gaura-kiśora-saṁjñam [4]
śīrṣa–The crown ratnam–jewel pūtā–of [the] pure avadhūta–mendicants [and the residents] vraja–of Vraja, [he is] nigūḍha–a confidential bhaktam–devotee śrī-rādhikā-kṛṣṇa–of Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa [and] āveśa–in the ecstasy vraja–of Vraja [is] sadā–ever cheṣṭam–engaged sarāga–with love. vande–I offer my obeisance prabhum–to the master saṁjñam–known as gaura-kiśora–Gaura Kiśor. [4]
The crown jewel of the pure mendicants and the residents of Vraja, he is a confidential devotee of Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa and in the ecstatic mood of Vraja is ever engaged in rāgānugā-bhakti. I offer my obeisance to the master Gaura Kiśor.
মূঢৈরবেদ্যং প্রণতাভিগম্যম্ ।
বন্দে প্রভুং গৌরকিশোর-সংজ্ঞম্ ॥৫॥
mūḍhair avedyaṁ praṇatābhigamyam
vande prabhuṁ gaura-kiśora-saṁjñam [5]
[He has] ramyam–a delightful prabhāva–splendour atīta–beyond āspada–the reach śoka–of sorrow. avedyam–Incomprehensible mūḍhaiḥ–to the ignorant [but] abhigamyam–attainable praṇata–by the surrendered, [he] nitya–constantly anubhūta–tastes achyuta–the Infallible’s sad–eternal vilāsam–Pastimes. vande–I offer my obeisance prabhum–to the master saṁjñam–known as gaura-kiśora–Gaura Kiśor. [5]
He has a delightful splendour beyond the reach of sorrow. Incomprehensible to the ignorant but attainable by the surrendered, he constantly tastes the infallible Lord’s eternal Pastimes. I offer my obeisance to the master Gaura Kiśor.
বিধায়কং সজ্জন-সঙ্গ-রঙ্গম্ ।
বন্দে প্রভুং গৌরকিশোর-সংজ্ঞম্ ॥৬॥
vidhāyakaṁ sajjana-saṅga-raṅgam
vande prabhuṁ gaura-kiśora-saṁjñam [6]
[He is] chaṇḍa–a vehement daṇḍa-vidhāyakam–subduer [of those] anvita–possessed dharma–of a nature kāpaṭya–of deceitfulness, [is] raṅgam–cheerful saṅga–in the association sajjana–of the sincere, [and is] bhṛṅgam–a bee abja–in the lotus pada–feet śrī-kṛṣṇa-chaitanya–of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Chaitanya. vande–I offer my obeisance prabhum–to the master saṁjñam–known as gaura-kiśora–Gaura Kiśor. [6]
He is a vehement subduer of the deceitful, is cheerful in the association of the sincere, and is a bee in the lotus feet of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Chaitanya. I offer my obeisance to the master Gaura Kiśor.
দামোদরোত্থানদিনে প্রধানে
ক্ষেত্রে পবিত্রে কুলিয়াভিধানে ।
বন্দে প্রভুং গৌরকিশোর-সংজ্ঞম্ ॥৭॥
dāmodarotthāna-dine pradhāne
kṣetre pavitre kuliyābhidhāne
vande prabhuṁ gaura-kiśora-saṁjñam [7]
[In the month] dāmodara–of Dāmodar pradhāne–on the principal dine–day utthāna–of Utthān Ekādaśī [in the] pavitre–holy kṣetre–place abhidhāne–known as kuliyā–Kuliyā, parihāravantam–he withdrew [his] prapañcha–manifest līlā–Pastimes. vande–I offer my obeisance prabhum–to the master saṁjñam–known as gaura-kiśora–Gaura Kiśor. [7]
In the month of Dāmodar on the principal day of Utthān Ekādaśī in the holy place known as Kuliyā, he withdrew his manifest Pastimes. I offer my obeisance to the master Gaura Kiśor.
তব হি “দয়িত-দাসে” সত্যসূর্য্য-প্রকাশে
জগতি দুরিতনাশে প্রোদ্যতে চিদ্বিলাসে ।
বয়মনুগতভৃত্যাঃ পাদপদ্মং প্রপন্না
অনুদিনমনুকম্পাং প্রার্থয়ামো নগণ্যাঃ ॥৮॥
tava hi “dayita-dāse” satya-sūrya-prakāśe
jagati durita-nāśe prodyate chid-vilāse
vayam anugata-bhṛtyāḥ pāda-padmaṁ prapannā
anudinam anukampāṁ prārthayāmo nagaṇyāḥ [8]
prakāśe–In [your] manifestation [as the] sūrya–sun satya–of truth [in] tava–your hi–definitively “dayita–dear dāse”–servant (Śrī Vārṣabhānavī Dayita Dās—Śrīla Bhakti Siddhānta Saraswatī Ṭhākur) nāśe–to destroy durita–the sin jagati–in [this] world [and] prodyate–manifest [the Lord’s] chid–spiritual vilāse–Pastimes, vayam–we, [his] nagaṇyāḥ–insignificant anugata–followers [and] bhṛtyāḥ–servants, prapannāḥ–take shelter padmam–at [your] lotus pāda–feet [and] prārthayāmaḥ–pray anudinam–continuously anukampām–for [your] mercy. [8]
Manifest in your Dayita Dās as the sun of truth to destroy the sin in this world and manifest the Lord’s spiritual Pastimes, we, his insignificant followers and servants, take shelter at your lotus feet and pray continuously for your mercy.
Śrīmad Bhakti Deśika Āchārya Mahārāj is a disciple of Śrīla Bhakti Siddhānta Saraswatī Ṭhākur and was the first graduate of the Sanskrit academy founded by Śrīla Saraswatī Ṭhākur in Śrī Dhām Māyāpur. After many years of austere solitary worship in Śrī Vṛndāvan Dhām, he came to Śrī Nabadwīp Dhām and accepted tridaṇḍī-sannyās from Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣak Śrīdhar Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj. His composition in praise of Śrīla Gaura Kiśor Dās Bābājī Mahārāj is included in the Śrī Gauḍīya-gītāñjali published by Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj.