Srila Prabodhananda Saraswati Thakur’s vision of the Pancha Tattva.

Srila Prabodhananda Saraswati Thakur composed the book Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi. In that book, as an introduction, he first glorified Mahaprabhu and the Pancha Tattva with a pranam mantra. I have not read the book in full. Prabodhananda Saraswati explains the Pastimes of Radha-Krishna in Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi, but he starts with a pranam mantra to the Pancha Tattva.
nindantam pulakotkarena vikasan-nipa-prasuna-chchhavim
prordhvi-krtya-bhuja-dvayam hari harity uchchair vadantam muhuh
nrtyantam drutam asru-nirjhara-chayaih sinchantam urvi-talam
gayantam nija-parsadaih parivrtam sri-gaura-chandram numah
This verse. Iskcon made a picture of Mahaprabhu and the Pancha Tattva going in a dancing mood. It is very nice. That verse is manifested within that picture exactly. I think that one lady made that picture. It is done very perfectly.
nindantam pulakotkarena vikasan-nipa-prasuna-chchhavim
Mahaprabhu is intoxicated with Radha-rasa-sudha, and through that His whole body has become like a kadamba flower. Every hair on His body is standing on end and it looks like a kadamba flower has manifested. His hand is up, showing towards Goloka Vrndavan, prordhvi-krtya-bhuja-dvayam, and as He is walking He is always chanting, “Hari, Hari, Hari, Hari, Haribol, Hari, Hari, Haribol”. Uchchair vadantam muhuh means continuously, “Bolo Hari, Hari Hari, Haribol”, like that.
prordhvi-krtya-bhuja-dvayam hari harity uchchair vadantam muhuh
nrtyantam drutam asru-nirjhara-chayaih sinchantam urvi-talam
When He is dancing, tears are continuously falling down on the earth, and the earth is becoming wet. Nrtyantam drutam asru-nirjhara-chayaih: the tears are falling down from His eyes and making the earth wet. Sinchantam urvi-talam: urvi-tala means the earth.
Gayantam nija-parsadaih parivrtam: around Him are all His associates, Nityananda Prabhu, Gadadhar Pandit, Advaita Prabhu, Srinivas Thakur, Thakur Haridas, Mukunda, Murari Gupta—many of His associates. They are also going with him.
Sri-Gaura-chandram numah: we bow down to the lotus feet that Gaurachandra.
Then Prabodhananda Saraswati started Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi.
Spoken on Radhastami day in September 2000.