Fables, Parables, Allegories, and Illustrations

ananta-param kila sabda-sastram
svalpam tathayur bahavas cha vighnah
saram tato grahyam apasya phalgu
hamsair yatha ksiram ivambum adhyat
Endless indeed are words and texts,
While life is short, and challenges are numerous.
So, grasp the essence and leave aside the insubstantial,
As the swan extracts milk from the midst of water.
Brahma, Indra, and Virochana
How the ātma is realised through enquiry and service to Śrī Guru.
The Cow And The Tiger
The surrendered soul’s confidence.
Laksmi Devi’s Search For Sri Krishna
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s jovial explanation of the relationship of Visnu and Krishna.
The Pauper And The All-Knowing Sage
Discovering the fortune of devotion.
The Ungrateful And The Grateful
Pseudo-gratitude, ingratitude, and the full expression of sincere gratitude illustrated in story form.
Lalu and Kalu
The plight of those who are averse to their own best interest.
Blind Following
The necessity of exercising our best judgement in the search for truth, and the consequences of neglecting it.
Krishna’s Reappearance in Vrndavan
Learning what is means to see the Divine.
Tricking A Blacksmith
There’s only one person you can deceive: yourself.
The Meaning of the Gita
How truth is realised through bhakti.
The Intelligence of a Woodcutter
The shortcomings of the artificial yoga process.
The Heron’s Longing
The delusion of pursuing selfish happiness.
The Physician’s Knife
The compassionate help the sadhus offer those who are suffering from the boil-like pain of false ego.
The Hunter and The Sage
How the association of the sadhus can transform even the cruelest of persons.
A Glimpse of The Crescent Moon
The soul’s journey to divine experience illustrated under the night sky.
Learn by Hearing Not by Seeing
The embarrassment of assuming others to be the same as ourselves.
The Ant and the Caterpillar
Understanding the value of spiritual transformation.
Frog in the Well
The pride of thinking nothing can be greater than one’s own ideas.
The Frog Bursts
The folly of considering oneself or one’s knowledge absolute.
A Frog’s Half-Rupee
The futility of worldly wealth, control, and attachment.
Feet in Two Boats
The plight of the insincere.
The Grammarian
The futility of scholarship in understanding spiritual truth.